Teaching Information

Hire Tonia to teach at your next online or in-person event.

About Tonia

Tonia Lyons is a Master Hand Knitter, Certified Knitting Instructor, and knitwear designer based in Quebec, Canada. She loves discussing a variety of knitting topics on her YouTube channel, Nerdy Knitting, with the goal of helping knitters find their confidence and knit sweaters that fit.

She teaches at local events throughout Canada and the United States – for guilds, shops, and knitting festivals. She also teaches at online events and offers online classes and a variety of video tutorials through her YouTube channel.

Tonia’s designs and articles have been published in a variety of knitting magazines and online publications including Interweave KnitsCast On, and Knit Now. She’s also designed for both large and small yarn manufacturers like Knit Picks, Biscotte Yarns, and the Brown Sheep Company.

Upcoming Events

April 4 – Next Level Knitting Conference

May 16 – Knit Social Montreal

October 23 – PEI Fibre Festival

Contact Tonia

For teaching inquiries, send an email to hello@toniaknits.com

Get in touch to explore your specific class needs and book a class or presentation.

Class Types Offered


Technique Focused

These classes use small swatches and hands-on demonstrations to learn new techniques.


Project Focused

Students apply new skills to knitting projects and patterns with these classes.


Lectures & Presentations

One-hour presentations on popular knitting topics.